
Unser emmi®-Steri UV-C-LED zu Desinfektion

Our emmi®-Steri UV-C-LED for disinfection

Disinfection of all animal utensils Protect yourself and your pet from bacteria and germs. Our new emmi®-Steri UV-C LED ensures lightning-fast disinfection of the toothbrush and th...

HundeblogAlternativen zum Zähneputzen beim Hund?

Alternatives to brushing your dog’s teeth?

Alternatives tom brushing your dog's teeth? Anyone who brushes their dog's teeth is often looked at askance or laughed at, because for many people this form of animal love goes too ...

HundeblogZahnfleischentzündung beim Hund vermeiden

Prevent gingivitis in dogs

Prevent gingivitis in dogs With proper and professional dental care, gingivitis can also be avoided in dogs. Just like with humans, gingivitis is a very painful issue for your dog. H...

HundeblogWackelnde Hundezähne - und was sie bedeuten

Wobbly dog teeth - and what they mean

Loose dog teeth that fall out If your dog's teeth are wobbly or even falling out, your dog appears to have serious periodontal problems. Teeth start to wobble when the b...

HundeblogNatürliche Parasitenabwehr beim Hund

Natural Parasite Defense in Dogs

Natural Parasite Defense in Dogs Mites, fleas, ticks and insects often scare away the summer for our four-legged friends. Not only humans are becoming more sensi...

HundeblogZahnkrankheiten der Katze

dental diseases of cats

Dental diseases and dental illnesses in cats often progress gradually. It is not uncommon for dental problems in cats to be diagnosed during another examination. In particu...

HundeblogSchlechte Zahnhygiene beim Hund und die Folgen

Poor dental hygiene in dogs and the consequences

Poor dental hygiene in dogs and its consequences Regular checks of your dog's teeth are essential. Misaligned teeth or very stubborn milk teeth as well as other...

HundeblogZahnschmerzen beim Hund erkennen 4/4

Recognizing Toothache in Dogs 4/4

Toothache diagnosis and treatment by the veterinarian The treatment of dental problems, injuries and diseases in dogs is now carried out at a very high level. Similar to hum...

HundeblogTipps zur richtigen Pfoten- und Fellpflege

Tips for proper paw and coat care

Tips for proper paw and skin care for dogs Have you noticed that your dog licks its paws or even nibbles on its claws? Then it is high time to look into the topic of...

HundeblogZahnwechsel bei Katzen

teething in cats

Teething in cats – when kittens learn to bite Cats are originally predators with very strong teeth. Perfect teeth are not only important for cats that live in the...

HundeblogZahnschmerzen beim Hund erkennen 3/4

Recognizing toothache in dogs 3/4

The dental inspection by the dog owner – Part 3/4 In previous blog posts, we have already reported on toothache in dogs and how to recognize toothache in dogs. In today...

HundeblogWarum sind gesunde Zähne so wichtig?

Why are healthy teeth so important?

Why are healthy teeth so important? Bad teeth are not only for us humans a painful matter . Even in our four-legged friends, unhealthy teeth can cause severe pain. This...

HundeblogZähneputzen beim Hund - sinnvoll oder übertrieben?

Brushing your dog's teeth - useful or excessive?

Brushing your dog’s teeth: important or excessive? Do you brush your dog's teeth regularly or is that going too far for you in terms of animal love ? First, the good news: ...

HundeblogZahnschmerzen beim Hund erkennen 2/4

Recognizing Toothache in Dogs 2/4

Recognizing Toothache in Dogs 2/4 Toothache is not only extremely painful for us humans, our dogs suffer too. The older a dog gets, the greater the likelihood that it will deve...

HundeblogZahnschmerzen beim Hund erkennen 1/4

Recognizing toothache in dogs 1/4

Recognizing toothache in dogs 1/4 Toothache is not only extremely painful for us humans, our dogs suffer too. The older a dog gets, the greater the likelihood that it will deve...

HundeblogZähneputzen bei Katzen?!

Brushing cats' teeth?!

Proper dental care for cats Proper dental care for cats is frowned upon, just like for dogs. The accusation of humanization is quickly raised. But every cat owner or lover w...

HundeblogKaufberatung Ultraschallzahnbürste

Buying Guide Ultrasonic Toothbrush

If you compare a regular toothbrush with an ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs, the first thing you notice is the price difference. Far more than 100 euros are spent on our emmi ®-...

HundeblogZahnheilkunde bei Haustieren

Dentistry for Pets

Dentistry is a common topic for cats and dogs. After annual vaccinations, toothache is the most common reason why pet owners have to visit their vet. In today's blog post, we expl...

HundeblogKleine Wunden und Kratzer richtig versorgen

How to properly treat small wounds and scratches

Every dog ​​owner is familiar with small scratches and wounds. Whether from wandering through dense bushes or poorly chosen walking routes with abrasive surfaces, small injuries an...

HundeblogZeckenbiss beim Hund: Ein leidiges Thema

Tick ​​bites in dogs: A painful topic

Spring has barely awakened - and they are already active again: ticks. The common dog tick, the brown dog tick and the meadow tick lurk in the undergrowth and grass for their fluffy...

HundeblogWie funktioniert die Ultraschall-Zahnbürste für den Hund?

How does the ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs work?

The ultrasonic toothbrush is your best ally when it comes to the dental health of your little darling. Only regular brushing protects the four-legged friends from bad breath, Tartar an...

HundeblogWelche elektrische Zahnbürste eignet sich für deinen Hund?

Which electric toothbrush is suitable for your dog?

Brushing your little darling's teeth is essential to significantly improve dental hygiene. This is the only way to combat tartar, plaque and all the consequences before they even app...

HundeblogDer Hundezahn – Anatomie und Zahngesundheit

The Dog's Tooth - Anatomy and Dental Health

Your dog normally has 42 teeth in its permanent dentition. In order for it to keep these teeth for as long as possible and to be able to use them without pain, it needs a little help f...

HundeblogZahnfreundliche Hundekekse backen zur Weihnachtszeit

Baking tooth-friendly dog ​​biscuits for Christmas

Oh, wonderful Christmas time! There are lots of treats waiting for both two-legged and four-legged friends! But you should definitely not share the delicious Christmas cookies that a...