Why are healthy teeth so important?
Bad teeth are not only for us humans a painful matter . Even in our four-legged friends, unhealthy teeth can cause severe pain. This is fatal, because healthy teeth are an important criterion , especially for our loyal four-legged companions .
Unlike humans, dogs use their teeth much more frequently during the day . Constantly in action and not just for eating, dogs also use their teeth when playing and, in a very basic way, to explore their surroundings. They use their teeth to transport sticks, balls and other toys from one place to another several times a day. For this reason, dogs are also referred to as having play teeth. On top of that, dogs sometimes use their teeth as hunting tools and weapons to scare off opponents or kill prey.
Dental problems in dogs not only affect their ability to eat, but also fundamentally determine their well-being and social behavior.
Healthy teeth in dogs without dental problems
If your dog does not have healthy teeth, this can have an impact on the entire development of your four-legged friend. Veterinarians are sounding the alarm more and more often, as they are finding that over 80 percent of their patients have serious dental problems from the age of three. Caries plays a less important role in this. Periodontal disease in particular is being diagnosed more and more frequently.
The reasons for this are varied, but often have their origin in inadequate dental care. Dog food and genes can also be the cause of dental problems in your dog. Certain breeds are also more prone to tartar buildup and dental problems. In these cases, you can make a fundamental contribution to prevention with regular dental care.
Healthy teeth are vital for your dog. It is not only dental problems that cause pain for your pet, because if chewing food is difficult, the body is not always able to extract enough nutrients from the food. Large chunks of food are also difficult to digest and often result in serious gastrointestinal diseases. Harmful bacteria that inflammation in the mouth can also enter the bloodstream and be responsible for kidney, liver and heart damage.
What you can do for your dog's dental health
Brushing your dog's teeth is a very effective way to care for his teeth. You can effectively combat harmful bacteria that cause tartar and bad breath and, in the worst case, lead to other illnesses by brushing your dog's teeth every day. This is where you, the owner, come in.
Brushing teeth should be part of the daily routine from puppyhood onwards. Cleaning your dog's teeth is very effective and easy with our emmi®pet ultrasonic toothbrush. Ultrasound thoroughly removes bacteria, dirt and plaque from your dog's teeth. Even hard-to-reach areas in the dog's mouth can be cleaned using ultrasound. The sensitive gums are protected and also cleaned of harmful bacteria.
Our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush works 100% with ultrasonic technology, almost motionless and without vibration. Without disturbing and irritating background noise, your dog will quickly get used to this modern form of tooth cleaning. Support your dog's dental health efficiently through regular dental care with our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush.