
Tick ​​bites in dogs: A painful topic

Zeckenbiss beim Hund: Ein leidiges Thema

Spring has barely awakened - and they are already active again: ticks. The common dog tick, the brown dog tick and the meadow tick lurk in the undergrowth and grass for their fluffy victims.

Ticks are a real danger for you and your four-legged friend, because every tick bite can transmit the dangerous pathogens of ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, leishmaniasis, TBE borreliosis or babesiosis . Prevention for Tick ​​protection , a watchful eye and help in an emergency will get your four-legged friend safely through the long tick season.

Tick ​​protection with the ultrasonic tick protection band from emmi ® -pet

Every dog ​​owner knows the problem of unpopular bloodsuckers. Sniffing in the grass, undergrowth, meadows and bushes is difficult to avoid; after all, all of these places are the natural territory of our beloved four-legged friends .

Prevention and aftercare during tick season are therefore essential for Tick ​​protection . Especially in the months of March to October, tick protection as a preventative measure and “checking” after every walk are essential.

As a natural protection without chemical components, our ultrasonic tick protection band from emmi ® -p et in combination with the e mmi ® -skin tick and mosquito protection for remedy. Protect your pet effectively and safely, not only from blood-sucking parasites such as ticks .

Our ultrasonic tick protection band works even better in combination with our emmi ® -skin tick and mosquito protection . The Tick ​​collar with ultrasonic technology and the combined repellent are used for natural prophylaxis to ward off parasites . This practical set combines all the important components you need to ward off ticks in your four-legged friend.

The ultrasonic tick protection band protects your pet very effectively and efficiently against parasites of all kinds. Mosquitoes and mites are also disturbed by the ultrasonic pulses that are sent in the 40 kilohertz range. Free of chemical components and odors, poisons and other harmful substances, ultrasonic pulses are considered harmless and safe for animals and humans.

Tip: For aftercare, you should brush the fur thoroughly after each walk or rub it with a damp cloth .

Ticks prefer to suck on the head, ears, stomach, groin and between the toes. If you find a tick that has sucked on you, remove it immediately. Special tools such as tick tweezers or tick hooks enable professional and painless removal within seconds.

The tick bite: Help in an emergency

Once the tick has attacked your four-legged friend and found a suitable spot on the skin, it bites down and starts sucking. During this process, the tick secretes a secretion containing various substances. Various pathogens that live in the tick's body can be transmitted to the dog or cat. Parasites such as bacteria and viruses use the tick as an intermediate host.

During the sucking process, ticks transmit possible pathogens to the dog. These can cause severe inflammation in your pet's body and lead to long-term illnesses.

While the sucking process of adult male ticks only lasts a few days and is considered relatively low, female ticks can continue sucking for several weeks. The actual danger from a tick bite is present as early as 3 hours after the sucking process begins. The risk of infection increases with each additional hour.

Factual knowledge: Remove the tick immediately after seeing it!

For effective wound care of existing puncture sites, we recommend using our Vetericyn VF +Plus Hydro Gel . Moisten your e mmi ® -p et Care ultrasound attachment slightly with water and place it on the handpiece . Apply the Hydro Gel to the puncture site and carefully work the gel in using ultrasound.

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