
Welche Impfungen brauchen Hund und Katze?

Which vaccinations do dogs and cats need?

Vaccinations for dogs and cats are recommended just as regularly as vaccinations for humans. In today's blog post, we will explain which vaccinations are important, recommended or useful for...

HundeblogTag des Hundes in Deutschland am 12./13. Juni 2021

Dog Day in Germany on 12/13 June 2021

There is no doubt that dogs are by far the most popular pets in Germany. More than 10 million households in Germany share their belongings with a four-legged friend. It is no wonder that the...

Hundeblog7 Tipps: Entspannt mit Hund bei heißen Temperaturen

7 Tips: Relaxing with your dog in hot temperatures

The days are getting longer and the temperatures are rising significantly; summer is just around the corner. A longer period of heat cannot be ruled out this year either. The so-called dog d...

HundeblogAngst vor dem Tierarztbesuch?

Afraid of visiting the vet?

Afraid of visiting the vet? It's like magic - the dog somehow knows in advance that it's going to the vet and hides under the bed, goes crazy in the car and can't be calmed down? Don't f...

HundeblogWasserrute beim Hund: Erkennen, behandeln und vorbeugen

Water tail in dogs: recognizing, treating and preventing

Especially in summer, dogs love jumping into the cool water. Retrieving balls from the water and playing to romp around in the cool water corresponds to the natural nature of most dog breeds...

HundeblogKastration notwendig oder nicht?

Is castration necessary or not?

At a Castration surgery removes the gonads removed. Pets are then no longer able to produce or give birth to offspring. Like a Castration surgery on a pet is, when it becomes necessary, what...

HundeblogDie besten Bücher zum Thema Hundeerziehung

The best books on dog training

Books on dog training - a topic that is discussed ad infinitum in some forums. Every day. Admittedly, there are wonderful and also terrible Books on dog training. Books that sound promising ...

HundeblogFlöhe bei Hund und Katze erkennen und behandeln!

Detect and treat fleas in dogs and cats!

flea infestation is an unpleasant problem among cat and dog owners. They often multiply unnoticed and grow to three times the original population within a few days. Once they have settled in...

HundeblogWelche Lebensmittel sind für Katzen ungesund?

Which foods are unhealthy for cats?

Similar to dogs, cats also tend to beg. But what should you look out for if your cat meowing and begging sitting in front of you and asking you to To share delicacies with her ? In t...

HundeblogIst der Abschluss einer Tierkrankenversicherung sinnvoll?

Does it make sense to take out pet health insurance?

As a pet owner, you have certainly asked yourself whether taking out a Pet health insurance makes sense Dog owners, especially first-time dog owners, are faced with the decision of a health ...

HundeblogCBD-Öl für Hunde

CBD oil for dogs

CBD oil for dogs is currently a popular and hotly debated topic. The active ingredient cannabidiol (CBD) is extracted from the hemp plant. It is the non-psychogenic part of the cannabis plan...

HundeblogWelpenerziehung: Ein Welpe zieht ein

Puppy training: A puppy moves in

A puppy pulls soon with you To make it a social companion To make it, you should make sure that your little friend gets to know everything as early as possible and many positive expe...

HundeblogDIY-Anleitung: Zahnfreundliches Hundespielzeug basteln

DIY Instructions: Make Tooth-Friendly Dog Toys

The temperatures are slowly rising and the days are visibly getting longer. Our minds are yearning for sunshine and are enjoying the harbingers of the burgeoning spring. With this in...

Hundeblog"Der mag das nicht"

"He doesn't like that"

"He doesn't like that" My dog ​​doesn't like walking up the stairs. Doesn't like riding in the car. Doesn't like waiting. Doesn't like having his harness put on and so on and so ...

HundeblogAnhänglichkeit ist keine Bindung!

Attachment is not a bond!

Attachment is not a bond The dog follows you everywhere you go? Doesn't let you out of his sight? Can hardly bear to be without you? Warning: This has nothing to do with bondin...

HundeblogMein Hund ist ein Angsthase!

My dog ​​is a scaredy-cat!

My dog ​​is a scaredy-cat! Not every dog ​​lives by the motto "Whoa, here I come!" There are also many rather shy, even fearful specimens. It is important to help the dog to ov...

HundeblogHot Spot beim Hund erkennen und behandeln!

Recognize and treat hot spots in dogs!

Detect hot spots early to reduce infections! Behind the hot spot in dogs lies the pyotraumatic dermatitis . A hot spot is characterized by inflammatory wounds on the skin. How ho...

HundeblogAllein zu Haus...

Home Alone...

Home Alone It really disrupts everyday life when the dog cannot be left alone. Therefore, it is worth training this thoroughly from the beginning. Important: Do not take it for g...

KatzenblogDie richtige Vorbereitung für den Einzug einer Katze

The right preparation for bringing a cat into your home

If a cat moves in, some preparations should be made in advance. After all, the Settling into the new home as stress-free as possible for your new roommate. To make the acclimatizat...

HundeblogAb ins Körbchen!

Into the basket!

Into the basket! Whether the dog is lying in its basket, on the sofa or in the middle of the hallway - most dog owners don't care. But this topic is not unimportant at all, says ...

HundeblogHundefell schneiden, scheren oder trimmen?

Cutting, shearing or trimming dog fur?

Healthy dog ​​fur, without adhesions and inflammation! Veterinarians and dog owners disagree when it comes to answering the question of whether the fur of their beloved four-legg...

HundeblogIm Homeoffice mit Hund und Katze

Working from home with dog and cat

Working from home with dog and cat Animal support or daily challenge? It's not just parents of children of kindergarten and school age who are facing a big challenge...

HundeblogParasiten beim Hund: Milben

Parasites in dogs: mites

Parasites in dogs: mites Types, symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention! An infestation by mites in dogs is a common problem. Mites are among the most st...

KatzenblogAllergien bei Katzen

Allergies in Cats

Allergies in Cats Recognize and treat cat allergies ! Cats can suffer from allergies more often than you might think . Allergies in cats are therefore not unc...