
Working from home with dog and cat

Im Homeoffice mit Hund und Katze

Working from home with dog and cat

Animal support or daily challenge?

It's not just parents of children of kindergarten and school age who are facing a big challenge these days. Pet owners also have to find ways to assert themselves in the home office. Whether you have a playful dog or a cuddly cat, in today's blog post we have numerous tips for you on how to assert yourself in these unusual working conditions . Concentrated work is also possible with a dog and cat in the home office .

Wherever possible, employees are currently being sent to work from home to contain the pandemic . This is a major challenge for many employers and employees . And as if working from home was n't enough of an adjustment, dogs and cats are happy about your constant presence . Pets don't always make things easier. concentrated work . In today's blog post, we'll tell you how you can best interact with your new four-legged colleagues and encourage them to work together harmoniously.

Designing a Home Office with a Dog

Pack character: play instinct and cuddle mode!

It is not for nothing that dogs are considered man's best friend. In keeping with their pack nature, dogs, unlike cats, love being close to people. They enjoy living together and love closeness. As part of the pack, working from home is a real dream come true for them. But with all the joy, there is still the matter of the "ball". While some dogs are simply happy about the presence of their master and/or mistress and quietly enjoy their new-found togetherness, other four-legged friends go wild. Depending on the dog's age, keeping the body and mind busy can promote relaxed togetherness in the home office.

Keep your dog busy in a meaningful way and give him a daily mental task. Depending on his age and breed, dogs have different needs. If you keep your dog fit, you will drive away boredom and stress. At the same time, you will promote the bond between you and your dog. Toys that can encourage mental work:

  • intelligence toys,

  • dog balls,

  • cuddly toys for dogs,

  • throwing toys,

They are ideal for developing your dog's physical and mental abilities. But not every toy is suitable for use in your own four walls. For this reason, you should go out into the fresh air regularly. The exercise in the fresh air will do you good too . When you're out walking or playing, you shouldn't waste any thought on work. Relax and enjoy the extra minutes you get to spend with your dog . Enjoy the little trip, because if you're relaxed, your four-legged friend will be relaxed too.

Expert tip: To make daily walks more interesting for your dog, change the routes . Sniffing out new smells and discovering new paths will not only have a positive effect on your dog.

Once you're back in your home office, you can allow yourself to close the door to your study behind you. This will effectively prevent separation anxiety. On the other hand, you can work in peace and without distractions. Remember, there will be a time after your home office time . So your dog must not forget how to be alone.

Designing a Home Office with a Cat

Work impossible? Not with the right tricks !

Cuddly house and apartment cats in particular are finding the newfound sociability that comes with working from home just right. They don’t miss an opportunity to torpedo your work. You know that the siege of

  • Laptop/Notebook ,

  • Desk

  • or notes

is the order of the day . Nobody can work like that!

If your cat repeatedly makes itself comfortable in places that you use for work, start a diversionary maneuver. Grab an empty box, an old newspaper or something similar. Direct all your interest to these objects. Start throwing the crumpled newspaper into the box. With a bit of luck, your cat will jump on your game and end up making itself comfortable in the box. To arouse even more interest , you can spike the box and the newspaper balls with our Ozozyme Bucco Fresh Dental Croq for cats . This way you can efficiently exploit your cat's play instinct. Enjoy the newfound time you can spend with her. Don't disturb her while she's sleeping, but take a short break from work and play with her extensively . This will not only have a positive and relaxing effect on your cat , but also on you.

Expert tip : Usually, 5 minutes of playing together a day is enough. Creative game ideas also strengthen the bond with your cat.

If your cat does not have a strong instinct to play , you should distract it from you in other ways. Just as you have set up your new workstation, you can also give your cat a Set up a new place to lie down. Direct their attention to the outside world, exciting and well received - windowsills, terraces and balconies are ideal .

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Parasiten beim Hund: Milben
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