If you integrate a dog into the family, you certainly want your animal to have as good a life as possible and to feel comfortable. Your dog should not only be happy, but also healthy. You can achieve this through three things: good genes, which are difficult for the owner to influence, good food and exercise.
Just like with humans, exercise is one of the aspects that is mentioned when it comes to the health of dogs. We will explain why exercise is so important in today's blog post.
The importance of exercise for a dog
Sport and exercise are healthy and this applies to every living being. Exercise not only affects the physical health of a living being, but also its mental health. If you are not fully occupied because you are not moving enough, you will quickly become restless.
In dogs, this phenomenon often manifests itself in the fact that they follow you everywhere and you never have any peace. The dog is also more excited than usual. In the long run, this can be very annoying.
In terms of physical health, exercise also ensures that your dog stays active and has a good figure. Slimness is important in this case because an overweight dog is at a much higher risk of developing back problems or other health problems later on.
However, if your animal is slim, the lighter weight is distributed evenly across the joints and can thus relieve the strain on bones and muscles.
Creating variety encourages movement
But exercise doesn't just mean going for a walk. Playing also means exercise. A good example is games where your dog has to catch a ball or fetch a Frisbee. This not only teaches your dog to be obedient, but also to sharpen his senses while moving at the same time. Swimming also means exercise.
Your dog's exercise is important and keeps him fit. Even if some breeds need more exercise and others less, they still need to move and this is time-consuming. You should always keep this aspect in mind when you are thinking about buying an animal, because as an owner you are obliged to give the dog what it needs for years to come.