
Correctly interpreting and treating vomiting in cats

Erbrechen bei Katzen richtig deuten und behandeln

As a loving cat owner, you naturally always want the best for your furry friend. Unfortunately, cats also often vomit and feel unwell. This worries us owners a lot. In today's blog post, we'll explain how you can get over this phase as quickly as possible.

Why do house cats vomit?

Vomiting in cats can have different causes. Usually it is an inflammation of the digestive tract, parasites, foreign bodies or infections that trigger the vomiting and feeling unwell. However, there is not always something serious behind the symptoms, because the nausea can also simply be caused by eating.

If you have changed the food and your cat is vomiting, it could be the food. Gingivitis can also cause vomiting. Here you can use our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush work against it.

If it is particularly hot, cats in a warm apartment will sometimes react by vomiting. If the cat is poisoned (if it is allowed to go outside), it will usually vomit several times in a row. In this case, you need to act immediately.

What can you do if your cat vomits?

First, you should find out what has happened in the last few hours. Has your cat been outside, has it just eaten, what is the ambient temperature? As a cat owner, you are guaranteed to be able to draw the right conclusions fairly quickly. It is usually always advisable to visit a veterinarian fairly quickly. They will be able to find out the cause quickly and sometimes only medication can help.

In the case of poisoning, for example, the stomach will be pumped out. If the vomiting occurs on the weekend when your vet is not open, it is important that you are there for your pet and can keep an eye on it over the next few hours. If the symptoms get worse and your darling appears apathetic and weakens, it is a good idea to take him to the nearest veterinary clinic. In most cases, however, the symptoms go away on their own and your cat's condition improves rapidly. It's a bit like with humans, sometimes something just upsets our stomachs.

Behavior as a cat owner if your animal is not feeling well

As mentioned briefly above, you should take time for your cat if it is not feeling well. You should also avoid food completely on this day so that the stomach can settle completely. Give your cat a fresh bowl of water and treat yourself and your darling to a few quiet hours on the couch. If you are a little under the weather, you need a lot of sleep. Unless there is a serious cause, your cat's condition will improve on its own and you can feed it as usual the next day.

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