
5 Tips for Healthy Pets

5 Tipps für gesunde Haustiere

More than 35 million pets live in Germany. Dogs and cats are ranked first and second among the favorite animals. In today's blog post, we'll explain how you can keep your pet healthy for a long time.

Tip 1 for healthy pets: species-appropriate nutrition

The right food plays an important role if you want your pet to stay healthy for a long time. If your pet is overweight, you should be particularly careful about what you feed it. With every gram of excess weight, the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, skin diseases or cancer increases. In addition, your pet's musculoskeletal system can be put under additional strain or its immune system can be weakened.

Regular snacks and treats as well as feeding dry food can be to blame for your dog being overweight. Dry food in particular has many times more calories. A lack of moisture in the food does the rest, because a lack of liquid quickly leads to bladder and kidney stones in cats.

Tip 2 for healthy pets: Take out insurance

Even with the best care, illnesses, injuries and accidents cannot always be avoided in your pet. This can result in high vet bills. Pet insurance can be very helpful in this case and can cover the sometimes high costs. However, you have to decide for yourself whether and which pet insurance makes sense.

Tip 3 for healthy pets: Fight parasites

Parasites such as ticks, worms and fleas can not only be annoying, but can also transmit and cause many other diseases. Regular combing makes it easy to find fleas, for example. Special collars and spot-on products protect against tick infestations. Worming treatments help against worms.

Tip 4 for healthy pets: Chip and registration

A chip on the left side of the neck doesn't hurt and offers a huge amount of security so that your beloved animal can be identified without a doubt. You can use the central register such as Tasso to find your pet if it ever runs away.

Tip 5 for healthy pets: Be active and stay active

Our everyday lives often offer few opportunities to get enough exercise. This is not good for you or your pet. For this reason, make sure your pet is active every day so that it is kept busy and stays healthy and fit for a long time.

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