
Why regular cardiovascular examinations are so important for dogs

Warum regelmäßige Herz-Kreislauf-Untersuchungen bei Hunden so wichtig sind

If you have a dog, its health is certainly very important to you. In addition to care of fur and teeth, it is crucial to keep an eye on your heart and circulation. In this blog post, you will learn why regular cardiovascular examinations can be vital for your dog and how you can use it to long and healthy life enable.

Early detection is the key

The heart is the central organ in your dog's bodyIt pumps blood through the body and supplies all organs with

  • oxygen and
  • Nährstoffen.

Regular cardiovascular checks at the veterinarian are important to detect early signs of disease. Many Heart disease develops slowly and only show symptoms late. If they are detected early, they can often be treated better, which allows your dog to live a longer, healthier life. Daily oral hygiene also plays a large part in a healthy dog life, which you can do very effectively with our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush you can do with your dog.

What happens during a cardiovascular check?

At a cardiovascular check your dog will be examined thoroughly. The vet will listen to the heart and lungs, measure the blood pressure and check whether the mucous membranes are well supplied with blood. If necessary, further examinations such as a

  • EKG,
  • X-rays or
  • blood tests

These examinations help to determine the condition of the your dog's cardiovascular system to assess accurately and, if necessary, to start treatment early.

How often are checks necessary?

The frequency of Cardiovascular checks for your dog depends on various factors, such as

  • age,
  • the race and
  • general health

your dog. Puppies and young dogs usually require less frequent examinations than older dogs or those with pre-existing medical conditions. Your vet can tell you exactly how often your dog should be examined.

Note: Regular cardiovascular examinations are an essential part of your dog's health care. They help to identify and treat problems early, which can significantly improve the quality of life and lifespan of your four-legged friend. Remember to schedule regular check-ups into your dog's routine and always consult your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns.

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