
Common Dental Diseases in Cats: Recognition and Care

Häufige Zahnerkrankungen bei Katzen: Erkennung und Pflege

If you have a Cat you are certainly aware of how important it is to pay attention to your general health One area that is often overlooked is the dental healthDental diseases can not only be painful, but also serious health problems In this blog post we will look at the most common dental diseases in cats, including FORL, and give you tips on how to recognize them, prevent them and get the best treatment.

The most common dental diseases in cats

To the most common dental diseases in cats include

  • Gingivitis,
  • Periodontitis and
  • tooth resorption,

including the particularly painful form FORL (Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions).

  1. Periodontal diseases: This disease affects the tissue around the teeth and can lead to tooth loss and other health problems Early detection and treatment are particularly important here.

  2. Tooth resorption & FORL: This disease is particularly insidious because it often goes unnoticed until it is advanced. FORL special cells build the tooth substance which leads to pain and discomfort.

detection of dental diseases

Watch for warning signs such as bad

  • Breath,
  • difficulty chewing,
  • excessive salivation,
  • Loss of appetite or
  • obvious pain.

Discoloration and tartar buildup are other signs that should not be ignored.

treatment and care

The treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis usually includes a professional teeth cleaning at the vetIn the case of FORL, extraction of the affected teeth is often necessary. But you can also do a lot at home to ensure your cat's dental health. Regular brushing of teeth for example with our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush and special diets support oral hygiene and can help prevent problems.

Important tips for dental care at home

  • Get your cat used to brushing its teeth gradually.
  • Use special dental care products like our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for cats.
  • Make sure you eat a balanced diet that supports dental health.

The dental health of your cat deserves as much attention as any other aspect of their care. By paying attention to the first signs of problems, having regular check-ups at the vet and introduce a good care routine at home, you contribute significantly to the well-being and quality of life of your cat.

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