
Zahnpflege bei Katzen: Die richtige Katzenzahnpasta

Dental care for cats: The right cat toothpaste

When it comes to dental hygiene, there are hardly any differences between cats and humans. Just like us, our beloved house cats also leave food residue on or between their teeth after a meal...

HundeblogMundgeruch beim Hund mit Ultraschall vorbeugen und behandeln

Preventing and treating bad breath in dogs with ultrasound

Cuddling with your beloved four-legged friend is one of the most intimate moments between pet and owner. However, the most beautiful cuddling moments are spoiled when you suddenly smell unpl...

HundeblogKatzenzahnbürste: So gelingt die tiergerechte Zahnpflege mit der emmi-pet

Cat toothbrush: How to achieve animal-friendly dental care with the emmi®-pet

Dogs and cats are just as susceptible to dental diseases as humans. Problems with the teeth are one of the most common diseases in cats. The cause is usually tartar, which can cause painful ...

HundeblogMikrobläschen Zertifikat Goethe Universität

Microbubble Certificate Goethe University

Microbubble Confirmation in emmi-dent Toothpaste Confirmation As shown below, you can see a detail taken at high magnificationfrom Emmi-dent toothpaste. Produced with the Hitachi scanning ...

HundeblogZahnstein entfernen beim Hund

Removing tartar from dogs

Unfortunately, the pleasant life of our dogs as pets also brings with it inconveniences such as tartar buildup. Because this poses significant health risks, it is highly recommended that tar...

HundeblogZähne putzen beim Hund

Brushing your dog's teeth

In the following article we will show you how important it is to brush your dog’s teeth. dental care for dogs Healthy teeth are important for dogs, especially when eating. Dental diseases, o...