
Removing tartar from dogs

Zahnstein entfernen beim Hund

Unfortunately, the pleasant life of our dogs as pets also brings with it inconveniences such as tartar buildup. Because this poses significant health risks, it is highly recommended that tartar is removed regularly from dogs as well.

How does tartar, which is so dangerous to health, actually form?

The basic problem is harmful bacteria that settle in food residues. Together with saliva components and mucous membrane cells, this forms what is known as plaque, which forms the basis for tartar. Mineral salts from the saliva accumulate on this, causing the plaque to harden over time. Removing tartar from dogs must be a preventative measure, because the extremely hard deposits can only be removed later under general anesthesia.

Which dogs are at risk?

Small breeds with short snouts in particular represent a particularly high-risk group. Since these dogs pant more, their teeth are no longer cleaned sufficiently due to reduced saliva flow. In addition, these breeds often have jaw misalignments, which further impair the natural self-cleaning of the teeth. Tartar should therefore be removed regularly, especially in small dogs with short snouts.


Health risks from tartar with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush prevent

Tartar is an ideal breeding ground for harmful bacteria that cause inflammation of the gums if you do not remove it from your dog. It can even lead to receding gums, which in the worst case scenario can lead to tooth loss. The best way to prevent tartar in your dog is to have it cleaned regularly with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic dog toothbrush This promises gentle and effective dental care for your dog, so that periodontitis, bad breath or chronic oral cavity disease are specifically prevented. The patented technology also prevents gum inflammation and you can also treat tooth loss preventively. Discover the advantages of ultrasonic tooth cleaning for your four-legged friend now and order the emmi®-pet basic set with ultrasonic toothbrush, toothpaste and charging station.

tartar removal with ultrasound

The gentlest and most effective method of brushing your dog's teeth is the ultrasonic toothbrush, which looks like an electric toothbrush but is completely silent and is tolerated even by sensitive animals. Regular brushing also helps prevent dangerous periodontitis. emmi®-pet offers you an innovative and animal-friendly ultrasound technology that specifically promotes your pet's oral hygiene and preventively prevents tartar in dogs.

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