
Brush your dog’s teeth properly – with the dog toothbrush

Deinem Hund die Zähne richtig putzen – mit der Hundezahnbürste

You finally have it in your hands: your new dog toothbrush. You now know that brushing your dog's teeth makes sense and protects him from many nasty secondary diseases and various visits to the vet. The best way to brush is with a dog toothbrush that is specially designed for a dog's teeth. But how exactly do you use a dog toothbrush? And how do you brush your dog's teeth properly? Just read on and find the answers to your questions.

Step 1: Getting used to the dog toothbrush

Of course, it is easiest if your dog is already a puppy the dog toothbrush, but older dogs can also be introduced to the dog toothbrush without any problems. All you need is calm, patience and regular training. Pay particular attention to positive reinforcement during training. Because if your dog associates the dog toothbrush with caresses or treats, he will get used to the new device much faster and easier.

The same goes for toothpaste. Let your dog sniff it and maybe even try it by placing a little on your finger.

As soon as you can easily handle the dog toothbrush in your dog's mouth and he remains totally relaxed, you can start brushing his teeth properly.

Step 2: Using the dog toothbrush

First, the toothbrush should be moistened with toothpaste. In the case of emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush You should use a special, microbubble-enriched, toothpaste use. It directs the ultrasonic vibrations from the dog toothbrush directly to the tooth. It is best to start brushing the outside of your four-legged friend's side teeth. Simply pull the lips up with two fingers and hold the dog toothbrush to the teeth. If you do not have an emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush, which only needs to be held to your pet's tooth to clean, then unfortunately you will have to scrub a little. Some animals find this unpleasant and you must then expect a longer adjustment period. With these manual dog toothbrushes, you have to loosen the plaque by mechanical shaking by guiding the bristles of the dog toothbrush from the gum line to the end of the tooth. If you have an emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush, you only have to hold the toothbrush to the respective tooth of your dog and the plaque will come off without any vibrations or scrubbing.

So after you have brushed your dog's side teeth, you can move on to the front teeth. Most dogs are a bit more sensitive here and need longer to get used to the dog toothbrush. Very important: try not to touch your pet's nose, otherwise he might get a sneezing attack!
You can simply wipe away the loose plaque with the dog toothbrush.

Step 3: Tips and Tricks

With the following tips and tricks, you will find it even easier to use a dog toothbrush on your dog:

Find the right dog toothbrush for your dog. The size of the brush head is particularly important. If your dog is a small breed, the brush head attachment should also be small.

Make sure that the bristles of the dog toothbrush are soft so that they are comfortable for your pet, even on its gums.

Use a special toothpaste for dogs. Firstly, it doesn't contain any ingredients that are harmful to your dog, and secondly, your furry friend will also enjoy the taste. This positive reinforcement definitely helps with the mission of brushing your teeth.

If your dog is very sensitive to the vibrations and scrubbing of conventional dog toothbrushes, try the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush and you will no longer have to worry about annoying scrubbing.

Would you like to know more about how to get your dog used to the dog toothbrush? Here we have put together some useful tips for you.

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