
Which chew snacks for dogs help with tartar

Welche Kausnacks für Hunde helfen bei Zahnstein

That would be the perfect solution! Remove tartar from your dog by simply throwing him a few treats. You don't have to laboriously brush your darling's teeth, he gets a few snacks, you're both happy and the tartar disappears all by itself. But can removing tartar really be that easy? At least that's what a lot of "dental snacks" for dogs promise. We'll take a closer look and show you whether and with which snacks you can really remove tartar.

A lot of chewing is good for your teeth

The more your dog is busy chewing, the better. Chewing alone stimulates saliva flow, which protects the teeth, removes dirt from them and also flushes germs and bacteria out of the mouth that would otherwise stick to the teeth as plaque. In addition, tooth enamel regenerates better. Although chewing alone cannot remove tartar, it definitely helps with prevention and makes your dog happier because it satisfies his natural urge to chew.

Which chew toys help with dog dental care? Which snacks can remove tartar?

You should be very careful when choosing the right snack. Not every snack that claims to care for teeth actually does so. Many dental snacks contain sugar or grains and are therefore counterproductive when it comes to removing tartar. The sugar or carbohydrates from the grains, which are converted into sugar by the body, actually damage the teeth and lead to tartar. They also unnecessarily increase your dog's calorie intake, which in turn can lead to obesity.

So make sure that the snacks are as natural as possible and do not contain any artificial additives or chemicals. There are many high-quality and natural dog chew snacks that are gently dried using hot air. These include:

  • buffalo hide bones
  • chewing rolls
  • pig's ears
  • bone with fur attachment
  • ox whip
  • etc.

Particularly solid and twisted snacks can remove at least light tartar through the mechanical process of nibbling and chewing. However, the snack must not be too small for your pet, otherwise he could simply gulp it down.

Can chew snacks also remove stubborn tartar?

However, if your little four-legged friend is already suffering from stubborn tartar, chew snacks alone will not be able to remove the tartar. In these cases, we recommend using the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush. With no mechanical scratching or vibration, it removes even the most stubborn tartar when used regularly. This has the huge advantage that you can save yourself a trip to the vet to have your dog removed.
To protect your furry friend from tartar, it is best to combine natural chew snacks and regular brushing of teeth with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush. Instead of laboriously searching for methods to remove existing tartar, it is much easier if you prevent your darling from getting tartar in the first place. So focus on prevention by feeding the right snacks and brushing teeth regularly and spend a great tartar-free time with your dog!

Also, sign up for our newsletter and finally learn more about successful dental hygiene for your little darling!

More You can find tips on dog dental care here.

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