
Brushing your dog's teeth

Zähneputzen beim Hund

Brushing teeth is not only necessary for humans, but also for your beloved four-legged friend. Without thorough dental care, bacteria find ideal conditions in your dog's mouth. Tartar can develop, which is considered to be the cause of various dental diseases. The emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush efficiently cleans dogs' teeth from food residues and bacteria and, together with the special dog toothpaste, presents itself as an effective method for brushing teeth. Due to the sophisticated technology, many pets accept the innovative toothbrush far better than other models. Here we explain in a guide how to brush your dog's teeth with the emmi®-pet works.

From food residues to tartar to periodontitis: The danger for dog teeth

Bad teeth and dental diseases are common in dogst. From the age of three, eight out of ten pets suffer from such problems – veterinarians have repeatedly pointed this out. The teeth, which normally consist of 42 teeth in four-legged animals, fulfil numerous functions: dogs use their teeth to grab, grasp and cut up their prey – they are vital for the animals' survival. Dental diseases that develop as a result of poor oral hygiene cause them, as in humans, severe pain, and the animals can no longer bite properly. Periodontitis can even lead to tooth loss. In addition, the inflammation in the mouth can spread to other organs via the bloodstream and damage the heart and liver, for example.

After eating, dog food remains between the teeth in the dog's mouth. If these food remains are not thoroughly removed with a toothbrush, they form an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Over time, plaque forms on the surface of the teeth. Once your dog's plaque has hardened into tartar, you can no longer remove it even by brushing the teeth. Now it's time to go to the vet. Plaque causes unpleasant mouth odor in animals and can trigger periodontitis. This is an inflammation of the periodontal ligament. As the disease progresses, the gums can recede and lead to tooth loss. So don't let it get that far and take care of your pet's teeth by giving them thorough dental care. In addition to regular check-ups with the vet, oral hygiene for dogs also includes brushing their teeth.

Brushing your teeth with the emmi®-pet: noiseless and vibrationless

Because dogs cannot brush their teeth on their own, they depend on your guidance when it comes to dental care. emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush Brushing dogs’ teeth is particularly gentle and gentle, but also just as thorough. The principle of the innovative toothbrush is based on pure Ultrasound that deeply cleanses your dog's teeth and gums from food residue, bacteria and plaque. Brushing teeth with modern ultrasonic technology does not require any scrubbing movements. What's more, when you brush your dog's teeth, the emmi®-pet neither beeps nor produces vibrations that can frighten the animals. For these reasons, dogs accept the ultrasonic toothbrush much better than conventional toothbrushes.

Instructions – getting your dog used to brushing its teeth

Because brushing teeth is quite unusual for dogs at first, you must first get the animal used to the procedure and train it with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush. There is no room for coercion. Here we have put together a detailed guide on how to brush your dog’s teeth with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush works and how you can introduce your little darling to tooth brushing in a loving way. The most important thing is that when you follow the instructions, be playful and give your dog time. For some dogs, getting used to tooth brushing requires a lot of patience and lots of petting.

Step 1: Allow touching of mouth, lips and teeth

Before you brush a dog's teeth, you should first teach him that mouth control is not a threat to him. Gently touch your furry friend's snout and lips until he allows it. Give your animal time and practice patience yourselfif this doesn't work right away. You should reward positive behavior. Pamper your four-legged friend with lots of caresses and treats when he opens his mouth. Over time, you can start to gently stroke the dog's teeth. In preparation for brushing, a command that tells your dog to open his mouth can also be helpful.

Step 2: Introduce the dog to the toothbrush

Next, it is time for the dog to get to know the toothbrushto gently get him in the mood for brushing his teeth. Hold the emmi®-pet to its fur without using the toothbrush. Gradually, you can work your way up to the snout. Don't skimp on rewards.

Step 3: the first tooth contact with the emmi®-pet

Once you have introduced your dog to the emmi®-pet, you can begin the first tooth contact with the toothbrush, so that your dog gets used to brushing his teeth very quickly under your supervision. Hold the ultrasonic toothbrush to your pet's teeth. Do not switch the toothbrush on for the first few attempts. Don't forget to reward your pet sufficiently for this progress.

Step 4: Get to know the toothpaste

To brush your dog’s teeth, you need toothpaste just like you would for yourself. However, the toothpaste be suitable for dogs. You must not use toothpaste for humans when brushing your dog's teeth, as it is harmful to the animals. The special ultrasonic toothpaste emmi®-pet, which is tailored to the special needs of dogs, also acts as a transmission medium when cleaning dogs' teeth and is indispensable for cleaning teeth with the ultrasonic toothbrush. Now let your dog use the emmi®Try -pet toothpaste. Put a small amount on your finger and let your pet lick it off. Alternatively, you can rub the toothpaste over your pet's teeth so that they get used to the taste before you brush your dog's teeth for the first time.

Step 5: present the toothbrush with toothpaste

Another milestone has been achieved. Now, as the next step in getting used to dental care, you can apply toothpaste to the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush and present it to your dog. To do this, first hold the toothbrush, unplugged, to the dog's teeth.

Step 6: the emmi®-pet enable

Is the animal sufficiently fed with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush and toothpaste, the actual dental care can now begin. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the toothbrush and hold it to your dog's teeth. Now switch the brush on. Brushing teeth with the emmi®-pet is completely motionless, conventional scrubbing is not necessary. Your dog will quickly learn that he has nothing to fear when you brush his teeth.

Healthy teeth with emmi®-pet: Tips for effective tooth cleaning

In the best case start cleaning your dog's teeth while he is still a puppy. With the right instructions, even older animals can be accustomed to oral hygiene. You should only brush your dog's teeth if he allows the procedure. If used regularly, the emmi®-pet effectively removes bacteria and plaque from the dog's mouth. The ultrasonic toothbrush also cleans the gums of impurities and thus contributes significantly to the dental health and general well-being of your dog.

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