
Schützend und pflegend: 7 Strategien zur Fellpflege und Parasitenabwehr bei Hunden

Protective and caring: 7 strategies for coat care and parasite defense in dogs

The Coat care and parasite defense in dogs is crucial to keep your dog not only healthy but also happy. A shiny coat and parasite-free skin are a sign of the Health your faithful companion. ...

HundeblogGelassenheit leicht gemacht: 7 Strategien zur Reduzierung von Angst und Stress bei Hunden

Serenity Made Easy: 7 Strategies to Reduce Anxiety and Stress in Dogs

Anxiety and Stress in Dogs can have a serious impact on the life of your four-legged friend. Your dog shows signs of stress or Fear? Don't worry, you are not alone with this problem. Dogs ex...

HundeblogEffektiv und sanft: 10 Tipps zu Ultraschallzahnbürsten als Teil der täglichen Pflegeroutine für Haustiere

Effective and gentle: 10 tips on ultrasonic toothbrushes as part of the daily care routine for pets

Your pet deserves the best care, even when it comes to dental care and oral hygiene. With our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush you can Teeth yours dog effectively and gently clean. But that's ...

HundeblogFrisches Wasser jederzeit: Die emmi-pet Hundetrinkflasche 580ml

Fresh water at any time: The emmi-pet dog drinking bottle 580ml

Water is just as vital for dogs as it is for us humans. Especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors with your four-legged friend, it is important to always have fresh water with you. Here...

HundeblogRevolution in der Fellpflege: emmi-pet H2 mit integrierter Haarentfernung

Revolution in coat care: emmi-pet H2 with integrated hair removal

Imagine being able to revolutionize the grooming of your beloved dog and keep your home clean at the same time. That is exactly what the emmi-pet H2 brushIn this blog post, you will learn ho...

HundeblogGrundlagen der Fellpflege

Basics of Grooming

Discover the perfect solution for grooming your pet with the emmi-pet Grooming Kit. Find out how you can use this versatile tool to keep your pet's coat healthy, clean and free of tangles. R...

HundeblogTiefenreinigung für Hundefell: Entdecke die Vorteile der emmi-pet Hundeunterfellbürste H1

Deep cleaning for dog fur: Discover the advantages of the emmi-pet dog undercoat brush H1

You probably know it: Your dog's undercoat is often difficult to care for, prone to matting and can affect skin health. But here comes the solution – our emmi-pet dog undercoat brush H1. Dis...

HundeblogEntdecke die revolutionären Vorteile der emmi-pet Ultraschallzahnbürste für dein Haustier

Discover the revolutionary benefits of the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for your pet

As a dedicated pet owner, you always strive to offer the best to your four-legged family member, especially when it comes to their health. In this article, you will learn how the innovative ...

HundeblogPraktische Lösung für unterwegs: Die emmi-pet Hundetrinkflasche 2in1

Practical solution for on the go: The emmi-pet dog drinking bottle 2in1

Are you a dog owner who likes to go out with your four-legged friend? Then you know how important it is to always have water and food for your loyal friend with you. Our emmi-pet dog drinkin...

HundeblogNeue, verbesserte Formel der emmi-pet Ultraschallzahnpasta für Hunde

New, improved formula of emmi-pet ultrasonic toothpaste for dogs

As a pet owner, you certainly attach great importance to the health and well-being of your four-legged friend. important aspect is dental care. Our new emmi-pet toothpaste for dogs was speci...

HundeblogOhrenentzündungen bei Hunden: Erkennen, behandeln und vorbeugen

Ear infections in dogs: recognizing, treating and preventing

Ear infections are one of the most common and unpleasant complaints that can plague our beloved four-legged friends. They are not only painful, but if left untreated, can lead to more seriou...

HundeblogEffektive Strategien gegen Haarausfall bei Katzen

Effective Strategies Against Hair Loss in Cats

If your beloved four-legged friend loses more hair than usual, you can quickly feel overwhelmed. But don't worry, Hair loss in cats is a common phenomenon that can be easily controlled with ...

HundeblogGewichtskontrolle bei Hunden: Effektive Tipps und Strategien

Weight Control in Dogs: Effective Tips and Strategies

Obesity in dogs is not just a matter of appearance; it can cause serious health problems and significantly affect the well-being of your best friend. heart disease, diabetes, and joint probl...

HundeblogErste Hilfe bei Hunden: Ein Leitfaden für Notfallsituationen

First Aid for Dogs: A Guide for Emergency Situations

Urinary tract diseases are a common problem in cats, which can be stressful for both your pet and you as the owner. In this article, we give you tips on how to recognize, prevent and treat u...

HundeblogParasitenbefall bei Hunden: Vorbeugung ist besser als Heilung

Parasite infestation in dogs: prevention is better than cure

As a dog owner, you are certainly familiar with the concern for the health of your four-legged friend. parasites are a common threat that can be not only unpleasant but also harmful to your ...

HundeblogOptimale Anwendung der emmi-pet Ultraschallzahnbürste bei Hunden und Katzen

Optimal use of the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs and cats

The health of your pet is important to you, and that includes oral hygiene. Our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is a revolutionary tool that can revolutionize the dental care of your dogs and...

HundeblogStrategien zur Eingewöhnung von Hunden und Katzen an die emmi-pet Ultraschallzahnbürste

Strategies for getting dogs and cats used to the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush

Good oral hygiene is just as important for your pets’ health as it is for your own. Our emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush offers a gentle and effective dental care solution for dogs and cats. B...

HundeblogWarum regelmäßige Herz-Kreislauf-Untersuchungen bei Hunden so wichtig sind

Why regular cardiovascular examinations are so important for dogs

If you have a dog, its health is certainly very important to you. In addition to care of fur and teeth, it is crucial to keep an eye on your heart and circulation. In this blog post, you wil...

HundeblogDie Grundlagen der Zahnpflege für dein Haustier – So sorgst du für ein gesundes Leben

The Basics of Dental Care for Your Pet – How to Ensure a Healthy Life

The dental health is an essential aspect of your pet’s general care. Just like with humans, animals can also Dental problems pose serious health risksIn this blog post, you will learn everyt...

HundeblogSpaß und Sicherheit für Hunde und Katzen im Schnee

Fun and safety for dogs and cats in the snow

Winter is just around the corner, and depending on where you live and the weather, that means snow! Sometimes even a lot of snow. And while many of us enjoy the white splendor, there are a f...

HundeblogWarum Hundeschulen und Katzen-Trainingskurse wichtig sind

Why dog schools and cat training courses are important

dog schools and cat training courses are more than just places to teach pets simple tricks. These classes play a crucial role in the development and well-being of our animal companions. They...

HundeblogWeihnachten mit Hund & Katze: Vorsicht bei Gewürzen!

Christmas with dog & cat: Be careful with spices!

The Christmas season is a time of enjoyment and joy, not only for us humans, but also for our beloved pets. But caution is advised, because some typical Christmas spices can be dangerous for...

HundeblogUltimative Geschenkideen für Hunde und Katzen

Ultimate Gift Ideas for Dogs and Cats

The most wonderful time of the year, when the streets are bathed in warm light and hearts are filled with joy, is just around the corner. Christmas - a time of peace, joy and giving - is fas...

HundeblogWeihnachtliches Backen - hier lauern Gefahren für Vierbeiner!

Christmas baking - dangers lurk here for four-legged friends!

Imagine it's snowing outside, fairy lights bathe your home in a cozy glow, and the smell of freshly baked cookies fills the air. But stop, because with all the anticipation that this festive...