Treating skin problems caused by grass mites in dogs
Ticks, fleas and mites are among the pests that every dog owner is familiar with. In addition to severe itching , parasites can also cause severe inflammation on the skin. The most common mites in dogs include autumn grass mites, which are also known colloquially as grass mites. In today's blog post, we explain how grass mites can be effectively combatted, how the itching can be relieved and how you can prevent infestation.
How can you combat grass mites in dogs?
In wild meadows, in tall grasses and even in your own garden, lurks from July until late autumn the grass mite. Close to the ground and well camouflaged, it waits for its next host. Suspecting nothing, you stroll through one of its waiting places while out for a leisurely walk with your four -legged friend . At these places, they transfer to your dog's fur or even to your legs.
Similar to fleas, autumn mites feed on the blood of their host . To do this, the orange-yellowish crawling creatures use their tiny mouthparts to burrow into the skin and, in particularly severe cases, even under it.
You can tell if your dog is affected by grass mites if he is constantly scratching himself. The skin in this area is often very red. The fur falls out in the affected areas. In the worst case, inflammation is already apparent.
Grass mites prefer to nest on the paws, legs, chest area or even on the head of your four-legged friend. But also the ear canals or the nasal cavity can be affected by grass mites. Even though the bite of the grass mite causes an incredibly strong itch, it does not transmit any diseases itself. It is your dog's scratching of the wound that can lead to serious infections and inflammations.
But how can autumn grass mites be effectively combated and how can the severe itching be relieved?
How can mite infestation be prevented?
If you have identified an infestation, you can remedy the situation by eliminating the little pests as quickly as possible . Actively combating them and relieving the itching should be the main focus. Our emmi®-pet coat care set is very effective in helping you fight off parasites . Above all, it relieves the severe itching in your dog's coat. The gel included in the set has an antibacterial effect and promotes wound healing. If applied regularly to the affected areas, the itching can be relieved and serious inflammation prevented.
Don't forget that the little pests also hide in blankets, pillows and dog beds. You can prevent reinfection by thoroughly cleaning and washing all things used by your dog. You can remove grass mites from solid and non-washable objects using diluted alcohol or disinfectant (at least 70%).
In general, you can only prevent grass mite infestation in your dog if you avoid spending any time outdoors in summer and autumn. This is impossible and hardly realistic for a dog owner . However, good hygiene in the apartment and house forms the basis for parasite defense. Frequent vacuuming, along with regular washing of dog blankets, pillows and beds, is just as effective as regular checking of the fur . By quickly and effectively combating the itching, you can prevent serious infections on the affected areas of skin.