
Ear care for dogs

Ohrenpflege beim Hund

Today’s blog post is all about the topic Ear care for dogs, because dog ears are often neglected in everyday life. sensitive sensory organ requires special attention and regular monitoringIf your dog develops an ear infection, it can be a painful affair. As you can Prevent painful ear infections in your pet We will explain below how you can do this.

The dog's ear, a sensitive sensory organ

Dogs have better hearing than humans. The ear canal of dogs is significantly longer than ours. Unlike humans, dogs have glands that produce a secretion to clean the ear canal. However, it is not uncommon for these glands to produce too much ear wax. This can lead to inflammation. An incorrect diet or the immune system can also promote ear infections. If the sensitive structure in your dog's ear is out of balance, fungi, germs and bacteria have an easy time. First Signs of ear problems or ear infection can be as follows:

  • Frequent head shaking
  • scratching of the ear
  • loss of appetite
  • listlessness
  • Other symptoms of illness

Do you set this If you notice any abnormalities in your dog, you should consult a veterinarian visit.

Your dog's ear infection

Different causes can cause an ear infection in your dog. On the one hand, a lack of ventilation cause fungi and bacteria to accumulate in the auricle. But also foreign bodies or allergies can cause severe inflammation in your dog's ear. Externally, you can recognize an ear infection in your dog by the following symptoms:

  • Purulent areas
  • Crusted areas
  • Severe redness
  • dirt

Also bad smell can indicate an ear infection.

How to clean your dog's ears

Take a soft cloth, a washcloth or a soft cotton ball (cotton pad). If your dog has a lot of hair in his ears, you may also need a pair of scissors. Don't forget the treats as a reward. Prepare yourself and find a comfortable place. Ideally, you should choose a place that is comfortable for your dog and where he can relax. Now you can start with the Start cleaning your dog's ears.

Moisten the cloth with some lukewarm water. Alternatively, you can also use some ear care or a special ear cleaner onto a cotton ball. Gently wipe the ear and repeat the process until all deposits are removed. If your dog has very long fur on his ears, this can prevent the ears from getting air. You can use fur scissors to trim the hair in the ear.

Once you have cleaned your dog’s ears, you can reward him with a treat for his bravery.

You should check your ears weekly, because With gentle and regular ear care, severe inflammation can be prevented.

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