On 08.08. we will again celebrate the International Cat DayThis day can also be safely called the mother of all cat holidays - or World Cat Day. In today's blog post, we explain why we celebrate our cats every year on August 8th.
How did World Cat Day on August 8th come about?
For 20 years now, we have been celebrating every year on 08.08. International Cat DaySince there are hardly any records of who originally created this day, it is all the more beautiful that the WWF and Pro Wildlife have taken this date as an opportunity to to point out the living conditions of endangered wildcat speciesBut that's not all, because numerous pet shops and food markets are also generating cat content for August 8th.
If you research the origin of World Cat Day a little deeper, there are indications that the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has launched International Cat Day. If you look for information exclusively in Germany, independent sources provide the Tiertafel as the initiator. Both companies, however, deny having been involved in establishing it.
Good reasons to celebrate your cat!
House cats are among the most popular pets in Germany – closely followed by dogs, which take second place. So on Cat Day, we can not only celebrate, but also spread an extra portion of love on our velvety paws. In addition to International Cat Day, you can also celebrate “Happy Mew Year For Cats Day” on January 2nd.
Not enough? Then you can January 22nd is “Answer Your Cats Question Day” or on March 28th celebrate “Respect Your Cat Day”. Your cat is black and you love Friday the 13th? Great, then you can celebrate Black Cat Appreciation Day on August 17th in mid-August. Do you like very strange holidays? Then you should check out the “Meow Like A Pirate Day” on September 19th not to be missed.
Why are there so many cat holidays?
Every holiday, no matter how strange, has a special purpose. Often the aim of the event is to to raise awareness of the respective situationThe cat holidays are always about celebrating the Not only to put cats in the spotlight, but also to encourage species-appropriate animal husbandry.
Every cat holiday also represents the Combating neglect and is directed against abuse. It is the day on which attention can be drawn to grievancesThe cat has accompanied mankind for several thousand years, but has never really lost its independence. Willful, independent and aloof, it is considered difficult to train. Once tamed, however, it seeks the Contact with people and enjoys an extra portion of love.