
Enemies in the fur: worm infestation in dogs and cats

Feinde im Fell: Wurmbefall bei Hund und Katze

We love our dogs and cats. They are our best friends. What we don’t love, however, are the invisible creatureswhich they occasionally carry in their fur. Worms in Dogs and Cats are anything but popular among us pet owners. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for our four-legged friends to things contaminated with worm eggs lick or even swallow.

Dogs and cats separate with their feces worms and their eggs and larvae with which they can potentially infect their entire environment. Some worm species However, they not only affect our pets, but also us humans.

How to worm infestation In today's blog post we will explain why it can happen and how you can prevent it. Find out why for us humans roundworms and hookworms are not nearly as dangerous as Lungworms or tapeworms.

The most common types of worms in dogs and cats

roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and lungworms are typical parasites of our petsIn some cases and through very unfortunate circumstances, they can be passed on to us humans. Find out below why it is so important that you regularly for worm infestation and deworm accordingly. To help you better identify a possible worm infestation, we have compiled the most common types of worms and their characteristics below.

The roundworm

At the roundworm it is a parasiteswhich settles in the intestines of your dog or cat. Dogs can ingest eggs and larvae by sniffing and licking. Puppies, on the other hand, can also become infected from their mother.

Cats can roundworm eggs and larvae through infected mice that they catch when they go outside. However, it can also affect house cats. If you pick up roundworm eggs on your shoes and bring them into the house, your cat can become infected.

One roundworm infection often does not manifest itself at all in adult animals. In young dogs and cats, however, it can lead to other serious illnesses. These include, for example:

  • Vomit
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Cough
  • loss of appetite
  • fatigue
  • Dull coat
  • cramps
  • intestinal obstruction
  • lung diseases
  • liver disease

The hookworm

hookworms are relatively rare. Like roundworms, they are also ingested by sniffing, licking or eatingThe larvae of this type of worm can burrow into the body through the skin of your animal. Especially when the infection is transmitted orally, Hookworms multiply in the intestine.

A hookworm infection manifests itself, for example, through:

  • itching
  • eczema
  • skin inflammations
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea (Bloody Diarrhea)
  • weight loss
  • dehydration

Especially in very young animals, hookworms can lead to massive growth disorders.

The tapeworm

When we speak of tapeworm, one would normally have to differentiate very precisely between dog and fox tapewormBoth species attack the small intestine of dogs and cats. Worm infestations of this type can transmit echinococcosis to humans. Dogs imported from the Mediterranean region are often affected. While a tapeworm infection While it often occurs without symptoms in animals, the fox tapeworm in particular can be dangerous for humans.

The lungworm

The good news first: lungworms are diagnosed relatively rarely in Germany. They affect dogs more often than cats. They are transmitted by frogs or snails, which act as hosts in this case. Lungworms primarily attack the respiratory organs. In rare cases, the infection can spread to the heart vessels. lungworms can also travel throughout the body and cause a variety of other diseases. These include tissue irritation and nerve damage, which can, among other things, lead to very noticeable behavioral changes.

Detecting and preventing worm infestation in pets

One parasitic infection is not always immediately noticeable. In the case of a massive infestation, residues of the infestation can be detected in the feces. roundworms in the feces act like cooked spaghetti, while tapeworms look like grains of rice. Eggs and especially larvae of worms are often so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

If you suspect that your animal is infected with worms, you should have this checked by your veterinarian as soon as possible. To do this, collect a sample of the animal's worms on several consecutive days. stool sample from your pet and have your vet check them for worm infestation.

Um worm infestation To prevent this, you should regularly have your pet’s stool checked for worm infestation. Alternatively, you can also take a precautionary deworming with an appropriate worming preparation. However, opinions differ here. While some pet owners swear by it, others are completely against it. So it's up to you to decide what's best for your pet.

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