
Dogs to calm anxious patients

Hunde zur Beruhigung von Angstpatienten

Did you know that there are dentist practices in the USA that provide their anxious patients with dogs to cuddle in order to take away their fear of treatment? Although this method is not yet common practice worldwide and would probably overcome a lot of bureaucratic hurdles, especially in our latitudes, it sounds very interesting in principle.

In general, therapy dogs are being used more and more to help people deal with fears, and with great success. In today's blog post, we'll explain how the Americans are doing this and why their use in Germany would also be conceivable.

Therapy dogs don't just help autistic children

In the USA, more and more dentists are using four-legged employees to simplify the treatment process for children and adults. There are no extra costs for the patients. However, as the so-called dentist dogs become more popular, some disadvantages are also becoming apparent.

Unlike in Germany, the regulations in the USA are not as strict. There is nothing to stop a dentist from taking an untrained pet into his practice. The uncontrolled use of a pet as a comfort dog or therapy dog is also not regulated by law.

Due to several complaints regarding the safety and hygiene of animal workers, the state of North Carolina has prompted the state regulatory agency to pass a law.

This means that only certain types of well-trained dogs are allowed in dental examination rooms. These dogs must not only be trained, but also healthy. Exceptions to this rule are "certified service dogs" who are taken into the dentist's chair by their owners.

Otherwise, only dogs that have been trained in a program accredited by a specific organization are allowed in dental practices.

Study proves effectiveness of dogs in overcoming fear of the dentist

A small study published in the journal Animals found that patients with dental anxiety experienced reduced stress and blood pressure when a dog sat on their lap during treatment.

Further investigations in this study showed that animals in healthcare facilities can generally reduce the perception of pain and thus lead to an elevated mood.

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