Nowadays, the dental health in pets a very high priority. While in the past nobody was interested in it, nowadays people pay a lot of attention to oral hygiene. Thanks to modern technology and research, the relationship to animal health changed. While pets used to have a more practical use, today they are considered social partners and are perceived as a member of the family and integrated into the family unit. How you can Promote dental health in your pet We will explain to you in our blog post how you can do this.
Dental Quality in Dogs and Cats
Comparing the dental quality of dogs and cats In the last few years, it can unfortunately be seen that it has tended to deteriorate and is getting worse. On the one hand, this is due to the genetic predisposition responsible and on the other hand a inappropriate feeding. Good oral hygiene are more important than ever these days. Existentially, it is an important health area, because Dental health goes hand in hand with physical health accompanied by
Are the your pet's teeth are sick, is usually also the your dog's body sick or affected. This is exactly what we must prevent at all costs. Every Dental disease begins with the formation of depositsThese plaques initially collect on the tooth surface and gradually spread.
Within a very short time, these initially soft deposits canto massive tartar Its porous structure promotes the implantation of harmful bacteria and germsAt this point, tartar can become a health hazard for your dog or cat.
Inflamed gums can lead to further severe inflammation lead and promote gum pocketsBillions of harmful germs and bacteria can settle in them. Remember that your pet can permanently swallows harmful germsThis allows the germs to settle and spread throughout the body.
Apart from the high germ load, which can gradually form, the bone can also degenerate. This is responsible for the your dog's teeth stability and support If it regresses, the nasty process of periodontitis can take its course. Harmful germs can be released into the bloodstream.
With this knowledge, it should now be clear to you why the Dental hygiene is also essential for your pet Bad teeth are not a cosmetic problem, but a health problem.
Dental cleaning for pets
For many pet owners, the Visit to the vet first of all to solve the problem. Unfortunately, many of them have to realize that the professional dental cleaning for pets Although it leads to temporary improvement, it has only limited long-term effects. health risksthat come with anesthesia are not without problems.
However, regular Dental care with our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrushThe soft ultrasound is not harmful to your pet and is quick and easy to use. Dogs and cats quickly get used to regular dental care with ultrasound.