
Dental care for cats

Zahnpflege bei Katzen

Do cats need dental care?

We are often asked the question: do cats need dental care? Is Brushing Cats' Teeth necessary? Clear answer: Yes, cats also need regular dental care. It is just as important for cats as daily dental care for humans. We will explain how to properly care for your cat's teeth in today's blog post.

Without care, heavy inflammations in the mouth

If the cat's teeth are not cared for regularly, there is a risk of serious inflammation. An unkempt set of teeth not only leads to severe gum and tooth inflammation in humans, but also in our four-legged friends. Food particles that are deposited between the teeth form the food base for bacteria. These not only break down the food remains, but also feed on the released nutrients.

Unpleasant odors from the mouth are one of the harmless consequences of poor dental hygiene. In addition to gases, acids and dental plaque are also produced. While acids are more likely to attack the gums and cause inflammation, Plaque causes tooth enamel to break down. Inflamed gums are characterized by redness and swelling and a roughened surface.

Indoor cats are at high risk of developing gingivitis

In particular cats, that are kept indoors and do not feed on mice or other wild animals suffer from tartar build-up. Indoor cats that drink a lot of milk, for example, build up significantly more tartar than those that quench their thirst with water. Wet food causes plaque and deposits on the teeth. In addition to general living conditions, Genetics and race also play a role in tartar.

Narrow-headed Orientals, Abyssinians and Somalis have particularly narrow teeth. The teeth are often not positioned correctly. This means that food particles can settle even more quickly in the gaps between the teeth. The formation of bacteria is encouraged by this crookedness and crowding.

How to prevent gingivitis

Cats with gingivitis or inflammation in the mouth often suffer from severe pain. If you take care of your cat’s teeth regularly, this will in the fortunate position to always be informed about the current dental status. Regular dental care with our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for cats is ideal for checking the teeth right from the start for small or large weak points.

In addition, a Cat, who has been used to regular tooth brushing since childhood, will accept daily oral hygiene without resistance. Have you neglected to do so or have you at a later date, the only thing that helps is practice, practice, practice. To a certain extent, tooth-cleaning treats can also cause abrasion. However, residues often remain here too. However, they will not remove stubborn tartar.

Our emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush also removes stubborn deposits from the teethIt is also very effective against harmful bacteria. It deprives the bacteria of their food source and ensures that your cat has completely healthy oral hygiene.

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