
Checklist - Is my animal healthy?

Checkliste - Ist mein Tier gesund?

If you have a dog or cat at home, it is important that you keep a close eye on their health. As soon as you notice any changes in their behavior or appearance, you should take them to the vet. Certain illnesses can be treated more effectively if they are detected early. We have put together the most important rules and a checklist for you below.

Keep an eye on animal health regularly

You can usually tell at a glance whether an animal is healthy or not. If it is dull and lethargic and has little appetite, it is most likely suffering from an illness. From stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation to difficulty urinating; all of these can be symptoms of health problems in your pet. However, you should not worry about every little thing. However, if you suspect that your pet may be ill, you should see a vet immediately.

If your pet suddenly shows an acute medical condition, you should not waste any time and contact a vet. Describe your observations and the condition of your pet to the vet in detail. From this information, he or she can draw initial conclusions about a possible illness.

Check the oral cavity regularly

Regularly checking the oral cavity is important, especially if you want to keep your pet's teeth healthy. You can detect tartar, rotten teeth or inflammation of the gums early on by regularly looking into the mouth.

Check your eyes regularly

You can easily remove crusts or a yellow film in the corners of the eyes with a tissue. However, if you notice this regularly in your pet, you should see your vet. Red conjunctiva and yellow discharge always indicate inflammation, so you should see a vet as soon as possible in this case.

Check your ears regularly

You should especially check your pet's ears regularly to see if they are crusted or produce excessive amounts of secretion. However, slightly dirty ears are normal. You can gently clean them with a damp cloth.

Check your anus regularly

A dirty anus is a sign of diarrhea. If your pet is suffering from diarrhea, you should always see a veterinarian.

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