Barrier-free quality seal EUKOBA

Barrierefrei Gütesiegel  EUKOBA

emmi®-dent Care Barrier-free seal of approval

Quality seal EU-GS 904 3 201 7 0037 D 0

The European Competence Centre for Accessibility eV hereby awards, by decision of the
Control Committee of 25 September 2017 in accordance with the audit recommendation submitted.

Seal of approval: emmi ultrasonic GmbH

the European Competence Centre for Accessibility eV, Linnich, recognized
and by registration with the German Patent and Trademark Office as a Community trademark
protected EURECERT quality seal for accessibility (EU-GS 904) for:

Test object: emmi®-dent Care

Scope: 904/3 Accessible products

Test center: EURECERT Germany, Aachen

Quality control according to the general and special quality and testing regulations EU-GS904:2017-01.
The quality seal holder is entitled to use the quality seal shown.

Valid from: September 25, 2017
First inspection: September 21, 2017

Determined for the following user groups:

It is confirmed that the quality control was carried out properly in accordance with EURECERT quality control procedures
for accessibility has been carried out and the test object is regularly monitored by itself and by third parties.

Linnich, September 25, 2017

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